Removing Negative Press


  • Project:Removing Negative Press
  • Client:Personal and Corporate
  • Duration:3 Month – 6 Month campaigns
  • Budget:£1,000- £5,000 per article
  • Location:London, UK

When you are faced with negative news articles about you or your business it can be overwhelming. Most individuals do not have the resources to combat such negativity, as it requires the expertise of reporting it to Google. Even if it is removed by Google, will the website know about it and just repost the story again? What about the other news websites and aggregators who also published the same story? It may seem insurmountable to repair, and many just give up, some even changing their names. Not all negative press e.g., about a court case is about a court case where you are the defendant. Sometimes a case you brought to court, under the advice of your lawyers who have no awareness of online reputation management repercussions, can result in a negative story.

Google replaces like for like and gives weight to new news vs old news. However. if you want to bury it, this is also a challenge as it requires strategists, copywriters, and media outreach people. Putting out a press release to hopefully get picked up by a news website with the same authority as the negative article is a long shot. Even if it is picked up, the journalist may change the new article to drag up the old news, or mention it within the new story. The image of you may also still appear from the old story. This then serves no purpose.

Our approach to solving this takes these factors into account. We erase the negative article in main results, news results, and images from it appearing in Google Image search. In some instances, we can appeal to the newspaper itself to have the story changed or taken down. All without interference from lawyers, who want to drag you back to court, to give the newspapers more newsworthy negativity to publish about you.

What is the result of Negative Press Removal?

The result of our work is that the most negative article is first reported and removed. Then, the other news articles that publish the same story are reported for being the same as the removed content. Only as a plan B will the negative news article be reported on the website itself, to avoid them removing the most defamatory / false statements making it harder to de-index (which is the result we want). This takes care of the multitude of articles you are faced with.

At the same time, our copywriters write up a new article that mentions you personally (preferable), or someone with the same name and location/ profession (if you do not have any newsworthy updates), to show for our main search terms and in Google News. It will also include images you provide us. We then use our media outreach team to select the newspaper you want the article published on and submit it to them to publish word for word, without the need for an online press release. Find out more by contacting our team.


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